Meet The Wilders

Hello! We are the Wilders, and we are on the adventure of a lifetime. We never thought our journey in life would take us to where we are now, but we are so thankful that it did. Below you can learn a little more about  us, and how we got to where we are today.

Our History

Clint and I met in January 2009, while we were working together at our local Mellow Mushroom. We started dating in April 2009, and have been happily together, ever since. We were the perfect match, and fully believe we are the others soul mate. Our early days were full of hiking, camping, backpacking, and great adventure. We bonded over campfires and long walks on trails. We always wanted our greatest adventure to be hiking the full Appalachian Trail, but life had other plans for us.


Our daughter, Skylar, was born in January 2012, and she was the best thing that ever happened to us. We happily gave up our hiking trips, in exchange for outings to zoos, museums, and playgrounds. We knew that our dream trip of exploring the AT was gone, but it no longer mattered. Skylar showed us what it meant to truly be a family. She has been sweet and cuddly from day 1, and we were happy just to sit at home and snuggle with her.


Silas joined us in January 2015, and our family became complete. He is the exact opposite of his sister, in almost every way. He was born, ready for excitement, where as Sky has always been quite reserved. He wanted to move and explore from the day he was born, and we knew that he would never be content without a life full of adventures.

Why did we become full time RVers?

This is a very complicated question, with an extremely long answer. Instead of telling you all the millions of ways our life path turned us into Full Timers, we’ll just give you the basics.

The first thing you should know, is that we had NEVER planned on living in an RV. In fact, the idea had never even crossed our minds. We had considered building a tiny house, and doing some urban homesteading, but an RV never even registered as a tiny home to us. We just wanted a place of our own, so that we could live simply, and do our best to break the cycle of consumerism that was dominating our lives, while still getting a chance to go outside and explore.

However, the problem was that we are from a small town in Alabama, and we knew for a fact that we did not want to build a home here. We desperately wanted to move out of the South, and we didn’t want to make any permanent ties to the area we were in. Except, we weren’t really sure where we wanted home to be. Neither of us had seen much of the US, and we didn’t want to take the chance of settling down somewhere, without getting to know the area first.

Then, one day, the RV idea came out of no where, but it seemed like the perfect solution. We would have a chance to try out tiny living, and be able to explore the country. We could see as much of the US as we wanted, and could eventually pick our favorite city, as the one to call home. So far, we have been to a lot of amazing places, and we now realize that narrowing it down to one place, is going to be a lot harder than we thought. Right now, we are hoping that Oregon will eventually be home, but we still haven’t made it that far West. Mainly, because we are afraid that once we do, our journey will be over, and we aren’t ready for that just yet.







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