Top RV Shower & Bathroom Upgrades

Extend Your Shower Curtain


Like most RVs, our shower/tub is tiny and cramped. One of the worst things about showering, for me, was that anytime the water running, the shower curtain would suck in and I hated rubbing up against it. Even though our shower curtain is replaced regularly, it still grossed me out, and made the shower process quite unpleasant. When I found out about the Stromberg Carlson EXT3542S Extend-A-Shower, I immediately had to have it. It looks great it our bathroom, and has really made a difference in how much room our shower now has. It was a bit tricky to install though, and definitely requires two pair of hands.

Upgrade Your Shower Head

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Upgrading to the Oxygenics Spa Shower Head was the number #1 recommendation we kept hearing, when it comes to dealing with RV showers. It took us a couple of months to take the leap, and let me tell you that I wish we had done it on day 1. Up until then, I had completely given up on washing my hair while showering in the RV, and was forced to retreat to the bathhouse every other day. Our original shower head just didn’t have the water pressure required to thoroughly rinse my hair, especially since our hot water only last about 6-8 minutes, unless we were turning it off and conserving it. And, since we started RVing right at the beginning of winter, it wasn’t much fun to freeze in-between rinse cycles. While I admit that this shower head isn’t exactly magical, and won’t take away all of your RV showering issues, it definitely does help.  We now have better water pressure, and the direct flow of the water makes it much easier to completely wash out my hair. Now, if they could just figure out how to make it with an on-demand water heater and it would be truly magical. 

Upgrade to a Vent Fan


It took us a while to be convinced that a Fantastic Vent was a must have, but after we got one, we were blown away by how awesome it was. We finally made the plunge after our first time Walmart boondocking, after we spent all night sweating our bottoms off. We have a travel trailer, and didn’t want to run the Ginny, so we tried to keep cool with just our stove vent. After that, we made a fantastic-vent a top priority, and it was one of the best decision we’ve made. Now we just open the windows, and run the fan, and the RV cools down almost instantly. In fact, it’s so strong that we like to refer to it as “firing up the wind tunnel”, because it really does create a major flow of air.

Cover your Roof Vents


This one may be common sense if you have any RV experience, but as Newbies, my husband and I didn’t really think we needed a Roof Vent Cover. Our travel trailer didn’t come with one, and we assumed that it wasn’t really needed. We though we would just keep an eye on the weather, and shut our vent if we knew it was going to rain. We quickly found out how much of a must-have these are, especially if you do not have an auto-close fantastic vent. After a few weeks in the RV, we woke up to our tub partially filled with water, after sleeping through an unexpected downpour with our vent open. Oh well, live and learn, right?

Compact Toilet Bowl Brush


A compact toilet bowl brush is a must-have for every RVer.

Shower Tote



A Shower Tote Caddy will definitely come in handy on all those trips to the bathhouse.

Utilize Space


Hang some of your bath supplies with a shower rod organizer.

Get some space out of your outlets


The Power Perch is a great way to get some extra space out of your wall outlet.

Use some command products


We use a command shower caddy to hold our lightweight shower supplies. It says it holds up to 7lbs, but honestly we have been scared to load it down with more than about 4 lbs. So far, it has held up for several months without any issues, but I would suggest following the directions carefully, since it was a little more complicated than peel-and-stick, due to the waterproof strips.

Tank Deodorizers


These are going to be a must have for both your black & grey water tanks, and you are probably going to find yourself using them quite often to help control those terrible tank odors. We always use the Walex Bio-Pakss after each dump session. We just toss one down the toilet, and then split one between the kitchen sink and shower. It always EASY to tell when it’s time for another, and you can normally tell a difference within a few hours of dropping them in.

Do you have an RV bathroom must have that is not on the list? Let me know in the comments below, and I will add it. 🙂

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